
The deep end of the healing journey with Chanel Riggle

Your Migraine Story Matters - Episode 5

Chanel and I met on one of the Migraine World Summit posts I wrote on The Link Between Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Migraine last year.

She had grown sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of daily chronic migraine and suggested we meet up.

We quickly arranged a zoom call, shared our stories for an hour and reconnected Chanel to what she knew to be true. Over and above outside noise, including any opinions, ideas or judgements I had of my own.

What happened in the week following took Chanel into the deepest, darkest and most challenging depths of healing.

In today’s episode she shares what triggered her the most, made her feel angry and how she encountered and overcame resistance to the point of full surrender.

The catalyst for turning this devastating condition around may have been our chance meeting but what Chanel demonstrates is that to find healing, she had to acknowledge that:

1) healing was possible
2) healing was mental as well as external.

Placing her trust in God1 to take care of her in a way she wasn’t previously.

The outcome?

Reducing pain from an 8/9 out of 10 down to 3 and below with energy levels increasing from 10% to 80% (and sustaining).

It’s a longer episode at 43 minutes but this is a whopper of a story that needs to be heard.

Who wants to see

turn her story into a book?

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Connect with Chanel

Chanel is the author of

, a space in which started out as a newsletter and has since grown into a close-knit community of women dedicated to discussing maternal mental health.

Following the week outlined in our recording, Chanel wrote the post From Disconnect to Healing detailing what she could only describe as a miracle. What I witness is a woman learning to drown out the noise, tune into her own inner knowing and taking inspired action in alignment with what is truly wanted.

If you have any questions about anything Chanel looked into or found help from, she’s happy to chat in direct messages here or hello@chanelriggle.com:

Motherhood Minute
From Disconnect to Healing
I have been searching for the “right” words for this all week. How does one begin an announcement of something that felt impossible? How can I hold that life-changing experience of hope after this past year of surrendering to the possibility that no hope may be found…
Read more

Links to Referenced Resources

  1. The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW2

  1. Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

  2. Curable: A Different Approach to Chronic Pain

Irrespective of whether or not you have yet given voice to your story, whether you plan to write a post, a blog or a book about it, remember fellow warrior:

Who else do you know that you could share this podcast with?


Catch up on previous episodes

  1. Bringing in the support with Eva Lydon

  2. Moving beyond migraine with Lisa Bolin

  1. Blending happiness and migraine with Erin Peterson

  2. Tears and truths with Kerry Spalding

Which one is your fave so far?

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Belief and trust has been a big part of both Chanel and my journeys. Trusting in the unknown (instead of fearing it), trusting in something far greater than ourselves. Just as Chanel chooses words and beliefs that deeply resonate for her, please feel encouraged to do the same. Whether you choose the word God, universe, spirit or something else entirely. Let’s make space for all differing points of view, values and beliefs held. There is enough room for everyone.


Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to listen to this!