
Moving beyond migraine with Lisa Bolin

Your Migraine Story Matters - Season 2: Episode 2

Your Migraine Story Matters has become the new name for this podcast!

I have grand aspirations for it becoming the world’s number one migraine podcast.

Currently, there doesn’t appear to be one sharing the life-impacted story of any persons who lives with this complex and misunderstood disease.

To think that this time last year I didn’t feel confident to interview - which was ironic because I spent over a decade of my life working in recruitment interviewing people everyday and I’m pretty damn good at it!

Thanks to meeting with

for episode one the other week I appear to have found my flow (and also another 3 participants wanting to share their story!). We set the scene to have a chat amongst friends and I’ve discovered there will always be a thread I can pull on that I believe will not only take us further into understanding this mysterious illness but will also provide clues that will help the one billion of us suffering to move beyond it.

Today’s star of the show is

, author of . I love her bio so much that I simply must share it with you. Lisa is

“Mindfully giving the middle finger to ordinary midlife

as we enter our Queenager era”.

I have a post coming out early Monday morning sharing with you why I don’t identify with the term middle-aged and mid-life so meeting with Lisa truly lit me up during a time in my day where I felt fuzzy and fatigued.

We talked about the need for rest, acceptance and how migraine presents differently - even from one family member to another.

Not only does Lisa share what helped, she kept the catalyst for what helped her move beyond migraine until near the end!

Links to books and references discussed

Catch up on past episodes

Episode 1: Bringing in the Support with Eva Lydon:

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