
Podcast Friday is back!

Series 2 - 2 years on! Now with video.

Beyond excited to share with you the launch of my new and improved podcast!

At the time of writing this, I am still yet to come up with a podcast title beyond Migraine Warrior - Your Story Matters.

At least for now that shares with you exactly what it is and adds as a reminder; You matter. Your story matters.

It’s been a couple of years since I came at you with series 1. Ten minute snippets of the most popular topics I’d written about back then and also the acronym I created around the word HEADACHE1.

Today, I speak with fellow Substacker,


I met the author of

, Eva, through a Perfectly Imperfect Podcasting course we both recently (partly) completed with on .

Eva suggested we practice on one another, we promptly arranged a Zoom and I LOVE that we both showed up as we were! Hair not done, faces unwashed, definitely no skin cover up or mascaras to open the peep holes in sight.

The purpose for this future series of podcasts is to have a chat amongst friends. Natural. Organic, Relaxed. Informal. No pressure. Or expectation. - do you agree that we nailed it!?

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We also chose not to edit the video, we’ve left it as is and tbf we were both super ecstatic with what came through in conversation.

I gleaned SO MANY insights through hearing Eva’s story. I can only imagine what is in store for you.

Come on in, join us for more conversation and story sharing. Insights in your inbox every week. A new podcast every 3 weeks.

For such a short video (we have nervous systems to take care of here), we packed so much into our discussion and with the time of year that is upon us, this is one timely piece on top tips for bringing in the support that we desperately need, crave for and are worthy and deserving of2.

a wooden christmas tree with lights around it
Photo by Bia Octavia on Unsplash

Even if you haven’t yet learned to express it, we hope to inspire you to bring in the support, identify your needs and ask for help. It’s not easy in the beginning, it takes a lot of courage, sprinkled with a fair amount of practice.

But that said, the warrior that is courageous and can tap into the inner power that you need is within you. It is well within reach.

What do you think to the new and improved series?

What were your key takeaways?

Revisit the first one here.


I always intended to write these up into blog posts for you in which I will link the podcast. You can expect those throughout the year in 2025.


Reminder: You matter. Your health matters.

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