In the early part of summer, I saw a vision of a warrior woman in white and gold dress during my monthly bodywork healing treatment. It inspired me so much I went to a friend’s fancy dress party as She-ra!
Even though they were friends of my partner, ahead of the event, I reached out and asked if they could offer me some quiet space when I needed to rest. I’d been symptomatic in some small ways during the week. I’m no longer in the place I used to be where social occasions would be to my detriment. But I still must find ways to make some small changes when my body communicates something is amiss.
A couple of hours in, I asked the host if I could take some time out.
“Are you ill?” she asked.
“No, I want to rest now so that I don’t become ill” I responded.
An all-time first for me.
She showed me to their bedroom where she let me know it would be the quietest space in the house. I put on a guided YouTube meditation and unexpectedly fell asleep. In the end a half hour lie-down turned into 90 minutes! I went back to re-join the party.
When I say that the power is within you, this is the kind of power that I’m referring to. The power to know what you want, what you need and then to go right ahead and ask for it. Finding new ways to help you meet your needs. Understanding that its this that puts you in alignment with what it is you want.
You, dear reader, are powerful beyond measure.
That said, many of us haven’t been taught this kind of power. This was true for me. Is it true for you?
What I have come to understand is that it can be learnt. It can be tapped into and I’m here to show you how that’s possible.
It is also true, that those we ask for help and/or assistance won’t always be able to offer what we need. The storms, they may keep on coming.
Going back to the vision of the warrior woman I had early summer, I also knew this image that I could see in my mind’s eye needed to represent the brand for this blog and podcast platform, Warrior Within. Trusting that the image could visually represent what that that inner power looks like.
In the end I worked with AI to help me create this vision. The parameters that I input were:
Warrior woman
Bare feet on grass
Overlooking the valley
Sword in one hand
Balance in the other
White and gold dress
I wanted the warrior woman to represent me, as well as you. To speak to those of us embarking on the warrior’s path. Setting off on a journey into the unknown. One in which where we understand what our needs are but have realised that meeting these needs does not come through conventional methods, teachings or systems. We’ve had to find a new way, carve out a new path. Go against the grain of what is recognised, accepted and encouraged in the modern day world that we now find ourselves living in.
The Warrior Woman’s bare feet on the grass represents grounding. Connection to earth and nature. Gifting connection to self and others.
Overlooking the valley, facing towards the light. Expansive views that span beyond what has previously been seen and known. Symbolising a bright future, one of ease and release.
At this stage in her journey, the Warrior Woman is triumphant. Has been triumphant in her endeavours. She has learnt to become her own best friend; cheer lead herself on - even when times were indeed very dark. In fact, more so and especially then.
Though it felt like an uphill battle all the way, she has been triumphant in her challenges. Victorious in her own way. Perhaps not in view of societal standard and appreciation. For that has been part of both challenge and victory. The reward is whatever she deems it to be. In the past, this would be acquisition of land, power and control over another. A promotion, a pay rise, a shiny new car.
For me, my definition of success has changed to such an extent that my victory is now my ever-improving health. The freedom I have found is what I went on to realise I had always been searching for. Longing for the most.
What is the victory that you seek?
You might very well ask; how did this happen?
The Warrior Woman knew all along what she needed. She knew all along what she wanted. She didn’t need anyone to tell her what to do.
The sword in the left hand is intentionally lowered and slightly set back. The internal fight and battle with the systems is no more. Warring with oneself and with others is behind her now. Surrender has taken place.
Let us be clear that to surrender is still an action to take. It is not giving up, rather it is letting go of any outcome. It is the realisation that logic and willpower alone will not support her through this chronic illness.
It isn’t that the fight and the battle was all for nothing.
It’s that the energy from which can now be used as an anchor1.
Opening space for what it is she really needs to heal, balance.
Making the decision to find the balance, create it.
Balance in our health (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially).
Balance in our hormones. Balance in our lives.
The Warrior Woman2 is at peace with herself. Nature is at peace with her. Harmony has been restored.
I’d be greatly interested to know, where do you see yourself on this journey?
I did initially put an anchor into AI not the sword (I am most balanced when I feel anchored), but the results were not that of an anchor! I remembered the vision I had was of a sword and balance. I do believe that the fight and the battle has been all part of our journey, but that it is time to put that down now and use the energy of the past to support us in the now.
Staying with the page title Warrior Within has been a journey and a half. I accidentally made a permanent change that meant I can never change the title! It was a conscious decision to trust in the something more over calling myself a dumb-ass.
Even though I have done this work for YEARS, it has taken me all this time to figure out what I have done differently to the 148 million others who remain living with chronic migraine despite trying everything.
This year, I realised that whilst we most often associate the warrior in male form, with fight with battle, with power and control, that I had never shared with you what it meant to me and where it came from. The next post shares with you more insight into that and what this page means to me, its intention behind sharing my story in the way that I do and how I hope to inspire you to take action that is aligned with what it is you truly want:
Congratulations on finding a form that resonates with you - I love that she's holding the sword in one hand and balance in the other - and it looks like balance is "wining" - yay you! xx
Aw you were right, I loved this article and I love the new image. I like the colours, it's soft and calm but radiates strength at the same time. A feminine kind of energy. Not always an obvious physical strength, but an inner strength.
I also love that you asked for what you needed at the party. It seems so simple doesn't it?, but I know it takes a lot to get to that point of firstly even knowing what you need and then asking for it. I hope to do more of this going forward too ☺️ x