Apr 14Liked by Amber Horrox

Thanks for the shout out, Amber!

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1. In what way do you start your day? What is your go to early morning practice?

I get up, pee, wash my face and brush my teeth. Sometimes I lay in bed listening to music before I get up. Then I do a little cleaning whilst drinking half a litre of water, then I have breakfast ☺️

2. What needs do you have that are either being met or remain (like mine did for most of my life) unmet? Ooo good question and I think lll need to ponder this. My social needs aren’t being met, but that’s a complex one as it’s partly due to anxiety and being in a wintering phase so feeling the need to retreat.

3. What insights, realisations and revelations have you received this week? How do you create space to tune into these? I’m sure I’ve had some but I can remember! I should have a specific list or place for relations and revelations 😆

4. In what ways have you been compliant all your life? How has your voice and your expression been silenced? Being a woman with a chronic health condition. I silenced my voice and didn’t advocate for myself or my fertility.

5. When you look back to where your migraine/chronic illness story all began, where did it really begin? My memory similar to yours, like ‘the start’ albeit I had earlier symptoms. I was lying on the bathroom floor in agonising pain and wanting to vomit, my mum told me I had to go to school as I couldn’t take a day off for period pain (note the genetics for endometriosis came from my dad’s side of the family, so my mum’s experience of period pain was limited).

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Thanks for sharing all these. Sorry to hear about your early memories.

I pop all my insights and realisations in my journal. I’ve wondered before if I’ll ever turn them into a book. There’ll be some corkers in there from over the years.

I can relate to your wintering! I did wonder that when we were chatting the other day. I didn’t go out for 2.5 years the other year. Said no to everything irrespective of what it was. I just needed that time to give my body what it needed x

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