Jul 7Liked by Amber Horrox

You look fabulous, Amber! Love the hairdo and face glitter. I know how you look doesn’t always align with how you feel, but it looks like you had fun and that’s something.

I am currently reading No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz. It’s on Internal Family Systems work (known colloquially as “parts” work). It is helping me realize what my exile and protector parts are and the role they play in illness and recovery. Also good for me to read as I head toward doing therapy and coaching work in the future.

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That sounds interesting! Will add to my book list!

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Me too!

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I had an amazing time on Saturday, thank you - and felt great too. I can’t (don’t) do things like that unless I’m anything less. The impact on my nervous system would be far too great so it was very touch and go if I’d go (& I was driving us all but didn’t let that make me feel bad for prioritising my health above all else).

The book sounds great! If it’s in alignment (which on quick search it is), I’ll order a copy. Full integration of all parts of myself is something I achieved over 2 years ago (spectacularly, the same time the pain, symptoms, suffering and debilitation reduced right down to only mild and occasional days -taking me beyond what was medically believed possible).

It looks like it’s in alignment because I’ve read that more studies are needed with a suggestion of CBT being more scientifically backed. I’ve come to find this kind of interpretation be aligned with the “manage, fix, control” approach. Especially of the mind.

Not of the “lead, own, create” philosophy I’ve run with that led to deep and embodied healing.

There is a lot of science, stacks of evidence and all the research we could ever possibly want, wish for, need or desire for this. What I’ve done is considered radical for the times we’re in but none of it’s new.

It seems to me we’ve chosen to go in another direction, avoid it and get away with claiming there to be more science for one and not the other. Not true in my research and findings. Misunderstood yes, but research, evidence and science? It’s all there.

Super glad to hear you’re going down the therapy and coaching route. The world needs you, your story and your insight.

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Love this - and love to see your smiling face and awesome glitter!

I’ve wrestled with the question of “is 3 hours on this article worth it” so many times since launching my substack. But like you - the writing is healing for me. I’m obviously thrilled when others read and find it valuable - but even if no one did … the act of writing it out is still incredibly joyful and important. Thank you for articulating that.

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Ahh I’m glad to hear that writing is healing for you too☺️ and that you gain so much joy from it. Easy to lose joy and make it all about (hard) work. I’ve had to remind myself I want to show up on here, like yourself - even if no one is engaging. Good luck today 🍀

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Jul 8Liked by Amber Horrox

Super inspiring how in touch you are with yourself and your body, Amber! Ongoing journey for me, even though I’ve made huge strides on that during my own recovery. Also thanks for sharing your journey on writing- it really is quite a trip coming from corporate life and never writing anything long form :) Thanks for making it easier for others!

Glad you took a pause, and glad you’re back!

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Thank you Nicole. It’s been a practice for me too. This is me 6 years in of learning to let my body lead the way. A connection that has only deepened over time.

Yep, the journey of writing has been an evolution for me to say the least! A long lost forgotten passion that I didn’t even know/believe I was any good at. Just a practice I once so dearly loved, resurrected out of the dark 🖤

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What happy photos! Love them, you look glowing and the joy is shining right through your face 😁

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Thank you💛

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Welcome back and I love what you have to say. I am soon taking a 2 or 3 month break due to surgery that I must complete.


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Thank you🙏 I hope your surgery goes well and I’m glad to hear you’ll be taking a break so you can heal💜

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Awwww yay you! Looking awesome, Hon. Good for you for being so in tune with yourself. It feels so good when things click into place. Sometimes we need to find the right lock first before we search for our unique key that will unlock the opportunity. xo

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I’ve just spent the afternoon typing this weeks up…there’s locks unlocking left right and centre. Feels one of my biggest yet - 6 years into drowning out the noise and tuning in to what I know to be true🔐💛

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Go You!!! Cheering you on and right there with you.

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I have just finished reading The Salt Path by Raynor Winn which is truly inspirational. Her husband was diagnosed with a rare degenerative condition the same week they lost their home and business. They became homeless, so they walked... I have just started her second book The Wild Silence

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That’s been on my reading list for so long! And yet I still haven’t read it⁉️ hmmmm I wonder what the delay is,..best dig it out 🩵

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Jul 8Liked by Amber Horrox

Amber! What an amazing week and weekend it was such an honour to work with you and I am taking on board your suggestion for my membership on here 🤣💖💖💖😘

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Yippeeeeeeee! I really feel you will have an audience here and I hope you get many new subscribers 😍

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So happy to see you having a good time while still listening to your body. It really sounds like you have had some good breakthroughs recently with changing direction when needed.

I spend hours on my art for me, I had been using my few useful hours to keep up with household things but with no time for me. Now I am prioritising myself. I'm getting back to meditation too, and feeling more positive.

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So very glad to hear this. It always felt like my nervous system / body would say “hoorah” she is listening every time I put my needs first.

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Yes definitely 💕

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