For a long while now I’ve been daydreaming of compiling a selection of stories into an e-book.
I envisage a compilation of them from those of us who gather together each Monday for some gentle Healing Through Writing.
The idea first came to me when I read a piece written by
author of . I was wrapped up in her poem turned into a piece on all the holding that mothers living with chronic illness have to carry. So many things to hold, on top of the illness, on top of the patterns, on top of the expectations. On top of, on top of, on top of.As I read it, the prompt “how it really feels” came to mind.
And if I were to have brought to life an e-book of all the shared stories of hope and healing that described how it really feels, below are the ones I would have selected.
The Week I Heard My Biggest Fear -
author ofAm I Sick Because I am a Woman? -
author of author of Infinite AbilityLooking to our Ancestors for Wisdom -
author of author of (me) author ofSo many topics pertaining to the complexities of chronic illness, loss and what it means to be a woman. Grief, infertility and the impact trauma is having on us not just in this lifetime, but ones past. Hope, perseverance and possibility peppered throughout.
Which article resonates most deeply with you?
The next Free To Be Me circle will be held on Thursday 9th January. A donation based offering, this one comes with the theme of the voice, which may be of particular interest if one of your intentions for the year ahead is to speak and write your truth. Join us here and start the new year off speaking your truth with clarity and conviction.
Thankyou for sharing my writing 💜 I will look forward to diving into the others you have shared.
Thanks for including my writing - the e-book is a powerful idea xx