Very timely! I just wrote a lengthy post about migraine and chronic illness and my experience with medical gas lighting. Haven't decided yet if I will send it out.

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Yes please to sending it out. You have a story we need to hear. To witness. We’re here for it. Ready and waiting🙏🩵

I firmly believe that we regain our power through sharing story. That in telling our story as it happened - and in later retelling our story as we intend it to be - we will bring about the greatest shifts, the highest change, in humanity that we’ve ever seen.

P.s. I ummed and ahhhed in whether or not to share this today. Now I’m so glad I did😍

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With your encouragement, I posted what I wrote this morning. You can check it out here, if you're so inclined. https://dawnlevitt.substack.com/p/im-walking-on-legos

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Oh yea please! Thanks for sharing here😍🙏

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Thank you Amber ❤️

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You’re so very welcome😘

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Needed this

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