Ooh this is exciting and sounds exactly what I need right now 😍 I love that you mention that we can show up as we are. I get nervous with zoom stuff sometimes. I'm always worried these days, due to the autoimmune disease/fatigue, that I can only show up to things if I'm 'well', I guess being ill makes me feel all vulnerable and exposed? πŸ€” But I trust that you will make us all welcome no matter how we turn up, and I'm looking forward to it ☺️

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Aw that’s wonderful, we’d love to have you with us!!

Yes, what I mean by show up as you are, is show up in your pyjamas (as i often do for zoom) - you’re even welcome to show up from your bed! As I have also dove once πŸ˜†

Def has to be a space that welcomed that but this is certainly one of them.

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I am very tempted.... I will try to get in the right headspace (on top of the exhaustion at the moment) x

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Ohhhhh this is good to know. The invitation with a space like this - particularly as it’s for those of us living with chronic and debilitating illness - is to show up as you are. As you are feeling in that moment.

This can be lying down in bed (something I’ve done before and I was told by my fellow yoga teacher trainees - as was the case in this circle instance - that they felt like they were in my room with me. It felt strangely comforting). And no matter how you are feeling emotionally as well as mentally.

I’ve just scheduled a further post for next Wednesday so keep an eye out and feel for that connection as to whether this space and big promises is for you πŸ’œ

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Thank you ❀️

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This is lovely Amber 😍

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Thank you πŸ’– super excited for these dates now πŸ§™πŸΌβ€β™€οΈβ­•οΈ

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This sounds so wonderful Amanda well done! I would love to join but am working on Wednesdays now xx

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So many not available all these 3 days.and yet all I can do is trust that there is a reason I am being called to share these 3 specifically on those dates. Can’t wait to see what happens and hope you can make a future one! πŸ’™

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