Jun 12Liked by Amber Horrox

Here is my journey with similarities after 60 posts https://open.substack.com/pub/awaymessage/p/enter-label-introcheck-in-after-60?r=iunw&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks so much for sharing this here for others to be able to access too. Wow, this is some journey. So am I right in reading that your ill health first began to such a detrimental extent following the Covid vaccine?

In my own personal circumstance, it took me a few years to be over 50% well. The year after it rose to 65% (but pain was mild to only moderately high and I could function through a mild relapse I experienced for 3 months. so in no way was this anywhere near as debilitating as all previous years).

Until recent years I have never experienced mild pain in my life, from the age of 18 it had only ever been severe/agony.

this year so far I’ve been well 80-90% well - I’ve never experienced this level of wellness in all my entire adult life.

I’m not sharing this for comparisons sake (something I have to remind myself not to do with others and yet i still do) but to hopefully show you what’s possible and what I believe is coming for you.

Generally I experience 90-95% wellness is my best months which are now the majority. It’s the little blips and episodes that set it back. Adjustment periods I have heard these called my Amy - the tonic.

My vision is full health and vibrant energy and I believe I will get there.

What’s your future self vision?

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Love the title! x

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Thanks! I never know how they will land and you know the bother I had with this piece - I even changed the title from what it was to this which rarely happens. Normally I can bosh them out 😆

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Jun 9Liked by Amber Horrox

Thank you for your post. Have you found healing? Lately I've tried transcranial stimulation for the same thing

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I sure have☺️ this was the very start of a monumental healing journey. Though I didn’t realise that’s what it was until I read Louise hays “you can heal your life” around a year later. From this point forward (6 years ago), I believed myself to be doing what anyone in my situation would surely be doing. I had no idea then how common my circumstances were for so many of us - and how little we knew/understood about healing.

In respect of deep healing treatment, bodywork has been a major player in my road to recovery. I’ve had it every month for 5 years and plan to continue doing so. (I also trained in it so I could help others).

I’d love to hear more about your healing journey. Do you write about it too? How are you finding it?

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Jun 11Liked by Amber Horrox

That's so nice to hear that you are better. Made me feel stronger. Yes I write about mine. I'm going to do a big recap this week bc a writer here offered to cross promote me ;)

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Just been and had a look at this post - I loved this one all about flow. Resisting the flow of life is in part at the root of migraine - when looking at it from an emotional perspective :


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Please share your link to it here when it comes out so me and other readers can take a look🙏

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Jun 11Liked by Amber Horrox

Will do. Thank you for sharing your space

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