Jun 22Liked by Amber Horrox

Such a powerful post. It was great to finally see written what I figured out years ago, that the NHS only treats but doesn’t help prevent. When it comes to my migraines I have found that all the doctor doses it keeps trying me on different preventatives and different treatment medications, to see which one works. Unfortunately so far I haven’t found one preventative that helps ease my migraines enough to warrant putting up with the side effects it gives me.

I think things would be greatly improved if more time and money was spent on teaching people, especially kids about the importance of health and self care. Instead it just feels like that is ignored and society just expects us all to go dragging ourselves to the doctors to be prescribed medicine that most often doesn’t cure anything just treats the symptoms, so we can continue to function.

It was also an eye opener when you said that there are only 68 headache specialists out there. I remember when I first saw my current doctor and I had to tell him I suffered from migraines as I had to pretty much self diagnose myself since no doctor had ever officially done so. Even when he knew that I had migraines it was alarming when he started following a check sheet of treatments to try me on because it was obvious he knew nothing about them.

Because of this lack of knowledge it made me start looking elsewhere, online and even some podcasts etc to see if there was anything I could do. In the end that search sort of led me here, (also thanks to my sister).

I know I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but thanks to your posts and support I feel like change is possible and I don’t have to rely 100% on just the doctors.

It’s also great to have finally met someone who has some idea what it is like (I’m lucky that I have never suffered as badly as you did.) and that it is possible to make changes and create improvements in your life without having to completely rely on specialists.

I look forward to reading your insightful posts that often make me stop and think about things from a different perspective.

I also love the support you give those of us out there that need it. It means so much. Thank you Amber xx

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Thanks for your detailed and insightful reflections. It helps a lot to know that the posts are making a difference and really speak to you as a reader. Especially with this one as it has felt a big level up in my communication.

I know now that I am here to educate, inform and help readers feel more empowered to heal themselves and recognise they have a choice and that it is possible.

But this goes completely against the grain of what we’ve been told all this time so, as much as I love giving back in the way, it feels scary at the same time.

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Jun 21Liked by Amber Horrox

Excellent and informative post, Amber - thank you! My migraines are creeping back in more and more after I was taken off of my monthly preventative injection that I was on for more than five years. Really trying to hold out having to go back on it, as I focus on taking good care of myself and listening to my body’s signals more.

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Garrrrrrgh I am sorry to hear that Amy 😞 this journey isn’t a linear one. And the call to keep taking care of ourselves and tune into our body’s signals seems so often led by it showing us there is an imbalance in some way.

I’m coming out of a 2-3 month adjustment period (as you would say). It’s the year on year improvements I continue looking for. I totally know you’ve got this!

And thanks for the feedback. This was a particularly challenging post to write, I’ve had to do it in 4 separate sittings and it took 3 months to get to on account of feeling triggered and not wanting to write from that place. Tried my best and it definitely had its impact on my nervous system. The regulation side of it, forever a practice 🙃

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Jun 21Liked by Amber Horrox

The work you put into this post was very apparent to me. A fellow spoonie knows ;)

And YES…I’m definitely trying to appreciate the overall recovery trajectory. It’s still heading in the right direction, thank goodness! Sending hugs and light to you, my friend 🧡

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Jun 21Liked by Amber Horrox

Also, the numbers of headaches specialists vs. sufferers in the UK was really eye-opening!

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