Jun 18Liked by Amber Horrox

I'm so sorry that you had to go through that Amber. I was put on the pill when I was a teenager because of heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps. It did help with those symptoms, but I didn't feel right when I was taking it and I also had bad headaches. After a year, I stopped taking it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us. xx

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Thank you🙏I’m sorry you have suffered so much too. I hope that no longer continues to be the case? Good to hear that you listened to your body. I feel like often times we’ve been conditioned to override it and it’s time to take our power back. It’s safe for us now.

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Jun 18Liked by Amber Horrox

It was the strangest thing but my cramps and heavy bleeding lessened, once I had my children. My periods weren’t as heavy and the cramping lessened in duration. I very much share your view that we need to listen to our bodies, they are always trying to tell us something ❤️

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So glad to hear that. I have heard that can be the case with a range of symptoms and chronic conditions. Our body can change and heal and grow so much, we can underestimate the power of it at times 💜

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Jun 18Liked by Amber Horrox


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Jun 18Liked by Amber Horrox

Absolutely 🩷

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My menstrual cycle is the first thing that went wrong when my hormones were in whack after they were ruined from strenuous training and keto vegan diet. And then some autoimmune symptoms popped up. Now I got my cycle back, I cherish it as a regular cycle is a hallmark of health.

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Wow what a change your strenuous exercise and keto vegan diet made! I can feel it even in writing it.thats lovely to hear that you now cherish it. Our hormones and cycle sure are a hallmark of our health.

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It is. It's also a tough lesson to hammer on the head that everybody is different. Other women might not feel any harmful changes in their bodies doing the same thing, but I did. So this is an example of honouring the silent pleas of our bodies. They can't say what they lack or feel, we can only notice the signs and symptoms to act accordingly. Too often women, under the pressure of high productive society, neglect this wisdom in favour of living the 9-5 or more hustle lives that were designed for men's biology, rather than the fluctuating cycles of female bodies. Chronic illnesses happened. Autoimmune is on the rise. Imho, it's a blessing in disguise, just like what you mentioned in this post, to listen to and advocate more about our bodies.

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Absolutely. A big fat yes to honouring the silent pleas of our body. I’d love to see us learn to do this before our body screams but in my case, it has taken me years to unlearn all I’ve been taught in a masculine dominated world and to relearn to align with my true feminine nature. But I am there and it is possible. “When the feminine leads, everything is easier, flow is easier, EVERYTHING is easier. The masculine feels seen, heard and understood”. Imagine a world like this? It is possible when we bring ourselves, nature and guide one another towards balance.

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I was not at the luxury of learning to do that either. Well, that's life for us. The learning comes after the tests T_T

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I started my period at 10 and had painful and heavy bleeds all the way through, I really didn't realise how bad the pill was for me and was on it for years along with continued heavy bleeds and a roller coaster of emotions+later monthly migraines. The coil was awful, I bled continuously and was in a dark place with it. I wasn't believed. I had to insist on having it removed. Now at menopause I also can't take HRT as it puts me in a dark place and makes me bleed, plus increases migraines. Again doctors are very reluctant to believe this, and even the menopause clinic I waited over 6 months for had nothing else to offer. Menopause is having an extremely debilitating effect on me and causing illness flare ups, again doctors offer nothing, other than antidepressants. I think you are so right about us needing to take it on ourselves, and to listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us! I'm trying!!

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I’m sorry to hear your periods began this way, at such a young age. I read a super insightful blog here the other day about why our periods are starting younger (collectively than they used to). I was 12 and believe the average is now 9.

I had a similar experience with the coil too and also had to be very insistent as removal was refused initially. I would be doubled over in pain from it and I already had a high pain threshold.

It sounds from reading your experience that doctors are reluctant to believe your experience because they have nothing else to offer than contraception/medication and have been trained “if you can’t see it then it doesn’t exist”.

Absolutely, our body knows the way. Mine led me towards learning to rebalance my hormones.i did slowly and steadily. One tiny change at a time. It took me 3+ years and my hormonal health has never been better. I talk about it more in the blog


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Thank you x

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