I recently read in a Dream Book written by Betty Bethards that to dream of fear is about
“being very close to truth and frightened to look at it. Seeing unknown parts of self and fearful of acknowledging them; resistance. Anything feared must be faced in order for it to go away. Your greatest fear is change; ironically, to change is the only reason you are here”.
What is your relationship with fear? How supported do you feel when it comes to creating change?
This time last year, I restructured my business. 5 years prior, I retrained to offer a mobile beauty service so that I could work around illness. It served a great purpose and I loved it. Carrying out treatments were so healing (to me and the client) that it had capacity to break severe pain during the couple of hours I spent with each client. It sharp returned immediately after, but the strongest pain relief available for migraine didn’t achieve that.
After 5 years, 2 moves and in prioritising writing alongside deeply healing client experiences, I was guided to own the fact that
I take people on expansive journeys that catapult them towards life-changing transformation.
It was scary to have to bring in such a significant change, let all my clients know and wave goodbye to what little income I was generating from it. It took a lot of courage. And recognising that my current offerings were unsustainable. To have faith in the unknown. I’d spent so long fearing in the unknown that I often to say to others that you can only appreciate learning to trust when you have zero other option.
It feels bold to declare to you that my new offering to be held over the week of the witch has the capacity to change and transform your life.
It’s no longer a worry of what if I’m wrong, but more a question of what does this mean?
As I was pondering this the other week, I went on to read an excerpt from the book “The Thorn Necklace: Healing Through Writing and the Creative Process” written by Francesca Lia Block that I’d love to share with you:
“For some reason I think of Joni Mitchell, who is in a coma in a hospital. Joni has this disease called Morgellons, in which fibres appear under the surface of the skin, making it itch and crawl. No one knows what the fibres are or what causes them to be there. Many doctors don’t believe the disease is real. It strikes me as particularly horrible that Joni Mitchell has to suffer with this. She had polio as a child. That’s how she wrote that song about wishing for a river to skate away on. Some people can transform shit into beauty.”
I believe that if you
feel drawn to circle,
are connecting more deeply with the prospect of being a witch, warrior or changemaker and
live with disease and illness that is vastly misunderstood
that you, too, have the capacity to transform shit into beauty.
Over the week of the witch later this month, a dozen of us will gather together in community (online) as we embark on the expansive journey of The Power of 3.
The Power of 3 (3x1.5 hour circles)
Date: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 29th-31st October
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Cost: This is a donation based offering. Pay in alignment with financial capacity.
Join us?
This post gave me the shivers! I am facing my own fears right now. Have been offered more hours at work but unsure of my ability to fulfil them. Can I dare to face the fear of saying no and seeing what comes instead? X
I am hoping to do this Amber, it sounds so lovely 😍 x