Dear Julia
I would love to invite you to circle.
Though I appreciate you haven’t been to one quite like this before, I understand from previous conversations that you are feeling drawn in some way towards them. That you are longing for the depth of connection that circle brings. That there is a deep need and desire within to be seen, heard and understood.
I feel the yearning that you have to be around others who “get” it, to be around others who “get” you. And for all parts of yourself, inclusive of the full range and spectrum of emotions and feelings you have to be witnessed.
Circle is a space to bring all of yourself, all parts of yourself, to show up as you are. From your bed, in your pjs. There are no masks to be worn here.
Circle gifts a rare and unique space to be held. It is a space to be brave. A space to feel into your vulnerabilities, to play around with all that is known, all that is unknown. To become curious as you would say, and to bear witness to what is stirring within, what is calling for your attention and what it is that is longing to be voiced. You don’t need to have it all figured out. You don’t even need to know what it is you want to say. The words spoken will bubble up in their own way from all manner and ranges of spaces within.
A sacred container will be held for you to bring your full and grounded presence. Though there will be a space holder to guide you to the centre of your being, you will find this to be an entirely non-hierarchal setting. Though there may be a leader – there may even be a guardian too – you and all those who gather each time will co-create the space together.
This is an energy of flow, of trust, of deepest intuition. You may find it go completely against the grain of anything you have ever experienced before. Lean into that.
Perhaps here you will find answers, perhaps there will be knowings. Clarity may arise, shifts will occur. Parts of you will be awakened.
Sense where there is non-sense and non-sense where there once was sense.
You may find your inner world demystified. Or you may find yourself tossed around on the inside like tumbleweed blowing freely through the air with no known way forward or clear cut direction.
Dear Julia, I want you to know that whatever the weather, whatever landscape you may find yourself in, please know that you will be held. It is safe for you to ask for what you need and those who unite with you will offer what they can. Aftercare is all part of the offering.
Unlike many other experiences we have become accustomed to, this is not a place where anyone else will step in. There will be no one to rescue you, to fix you, to advise you. There will be no instructing you what to do next. For you are not broken dear Julia. You are healthy and whole as you are. There already lies and exists an inner guidance system within. This is the key to the next step on your path.
With all this shared, the circle it is my intention to invite you to is to be held later this month. The invitation is open to warriors, witches and change makers. It is not just one circle but a series of 3. To be held over the week of the witch. One day after the other. An hour and a half each in duration.
We will gather together in online community as if a coven around the cauldron.
Here, the connections you make will be deep, profound; life-altering. The reverence you will feel when you hear the stories of others shared, will reach you at depths that may not have previously been explored or tapped into.
You will walk away from circle irrevocably and irreversibly changed. In ways that you may or may not be able to explain.
I hope this gives you an inkling as to what the power of circle has in store for you. You will know if this offering is in alignment to attend - not just due to having the availability and in feeling drawn to such a space. You will feel it in your body. A feeling (or a series of feelings), a knowing, perhaps a full body yes.
You may recall The Power of 3; a little introduction that I shared a fortnight back. A little insight into my own background with circle and some information - there will be more to follow.
Any questions, the door is, as always, open to ask.
Sending you warrior strength and healing
With a reminder that you’ve got this!
Your dearest friend, mentor, space holder and cheerleader,
Amber xx